
The Cactus Course Outlines provide a learning framework for the Cactus Foreign Language Evening Courses. They are designed to provide you with a good idea of what you might cover over a 10-week period, and include typical themes, grammar and vocabulary fields. They are flexible rather than prescriptive, in that our teachers may decide to adapt their learning plans to the specific level, aims and interests of their classes. Use the tabs below to view the relevant French course outline for your level.

Topics & Vocabulary:

  • Greetings
  • Alphabet + letters combination
  • Nationalities and countries
  • Jobs
  • Numbers
  • Giving personal details (address, telephone number, email, age)
  • Filling a form
  • Food and drinks
  • Holidays in France and abroad
  • Describing a city (jobs and places)
  • Using a dictionary


  • Nouns – feminine, masculine, singular, plural
  • The verbs ‘être’, ‘avoir’ in the present tense
  • Articles – definite and indefinite
  • Adjective agreement in gender and number
  • Verbs in ‘ER’
  • Etre and Avoir
  • Prepositions of place
  • Il y a + Il n’y a pas
  • Word order: sentence/question
  • Key prepositions – à, dans, en, au, etc.
  • Yes/no questions


Cultural Content:

  • Paris
  • Cities of France
  • French speaking countries
  • French names
  • Map of France


Skills Work:

  • Lots of speaking/active practice
  • Role-plays
  • Lots of listening
  • Pronunciation – key sounds


We are always ready to help You!