Graphics Design

1. Adobe Photoshop
2. Adobe Illustrator
3. Adobe After Effects
4. Adobe Flash
                      Graphic Design Courses
Introducing visual design
  Visual language
  Visual vocabulary
  Visual grammar
  Visual design constructs
  Visual design process
      Gather and understand the information
      Determine what you want to communicate
      Determine the most appropriate visual constructs
      Test to see which construct works
      Minimize visual noise by trying multiple options
      Test to see which concept communicates most effectively

      Produce the final visual

Graphic attributes
  What are graphic attributes?


What is color?
Color schemes
  The color wheel
   Primary colors Secondary colors
   Tertiary colors
   Color schemes
   Complementary color schemes
   Double complement color scheme
   Split complement
   Triadic color schemes
   Alternate complement
   Tetrad schemes
   Analogous schemes
   Schemes using hue, lightness and saturation
   Achromatic color schemes
   Monochromatic color schemes

   Picking your scheme

Color physiology
  The effects of warm and cool colors
  The effect of contrast
  The effect of color blindness

  Color psychology

Color connotations

  Align color with your communication objectives

Computer color
  Bitmaps versus vectors
  GIFs, PNGs and JPEGs
  GIF and JPEG in practice
  Hexadecimal numbers

  Tips for creating images

Tutorial Quiz
  Typography attributes
  What is typography?
  Typography anatomy
  Type classifications
  Type families
  Type alignment
  Type spacing
  Type alignment and spacing
  Type size
  Type case

  Additional terminology

How to use typography
  Limit the number of typefaces you use
  Choosing type sizes
  Emphasizing individual words
  Determining line length and alignment

  Using contrast

How to use Web typography
  Choosing Web type

  Using Cascading Style Sheets

Visual grammar guidelines
  Contrast guideline
  What is the contrast guideline?
  How to use contrast
  What to avoid when using contrast
  Example: Page contrast
  Example: Visual contrast
  Example: Tool palettes
  Example: Contrasting Web sites

  Example: Playing with contrast

Repetition guideline
  What is the repetition guideline?
  How to use repetition
  What to avoid when using repetition
  Example: Olympic symbols
  Example: Icons using repetition
  Example: Icons not using repetition
Alignment guideline
  What is the alignment guideline?
  How to use alignment
  What to avoid when using alignment
  Example: Web alignment
  Example: Another Web alignment
  Example: Web grid system
  Example: Desktop grid system
Proximity guideline
  How to create proximity
  Page layout proximity
  Computer screen proximity
  Things to avoid
  Example: Good use of proximity
  Example: Poor use of proximity
Guideline tradeoff tutorial
  Making tradeoffs
  Let’s begin with a bad design
  Identify the information elements
  Proximity change
  Alignment change
  Contrast change
  Alignment change
  Contrast alternatives with the logo
Page layouts
What are page layouts?
How to create page layouts
Determining the document type
Identify recurring page layouts
Develop a grid structure for recurring pages
  One-column grid format
  One-column grid format specifications
  Two-column grid format
  Two-column grid format specifications
  Three-column grid format
  Three-column grid format specifications
Develop a visual hierarchy for repeating pages
Develop a visual hierarchy for recurring page elements
Using paragraphs
    How to design paragraphs
Using titles and headings
  How to design titles and headings
Using bulleted lists
  How to design bulleted lists
Using numbered lists
 How to design numbered lists
Using checkmark lists
  How to design checklists
Using glossary lists
  How to design glossary lists
Using indented lists
  How to design indented lists
Using visuals
Using white space
Using color
Using line rules
Using shading
Page layout tutorial #1
Page layout tutorial #2
  What are tables?
  When to use tables
  How to design tables
Graphs and charts
  What are graphs and charts?
  When to use graphs
  How to design graphs
  Types of charts
  Gantt charts
  Histogram charts
  Organization charts
  Line charts
  Pie charts
  Bar charts
  Scatter or cluster charts
  Radar or polar charts
  Simplified drawings
What are simplified drawings?
When to use simplified drawings
How to design simplified drawings
  What are photographs?
  When to use photographs
  How to use photographs
  What is a diagram?
  When to use diagrams
  How to use diagrams
  How to design diagrams
Text procedures
  What is a text procedure?
  When to use a text procedure
  Use numbered lists for procedures
  Guidelines for procedures
Icons and visual symbols
  What are icons and visual symbols?
   When to use icons and visual symbols
  How to design icons and visual symbols
Screen captures
  What are screen captures?
  When to use screen captures
  How to do screen captures
  Tips for screen captures
Graphics in online documents
  Pixels in graphics
  Image formats
  File size
  Saving graphics from Web pages
  Making graphics with   irregular shapes
  Guidelines for web graphic


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